Preschool News


February 2019

February is going to be another busy month as we continue our Letter Recognition adventures. We will celebrate Valentines with a “Mix of Friends” party. We will go on a Heart Hunt and a field trip to High Impact Dance. We will focus on being great friends with each other this month and on using our kind sharing words like “please and thank you”.

Chef Combo will be visiting this month as well as our continued adventures with “Andy Bear” and “Frank the Frog”. These are very exciting friends and it is hard to be patient while waiting for our turn. However, it is a good life lesson that we don’t always get what we want right away. Sometimes we have to wait a little while.  We will continue to help encourage and comfort the children as we practice this skill.

We would like to thank all of our parent helpers that have spent some time in our room and outside of our room doing odd jobs for us.  Your help is “priceless” and allows us to give the children all of the love and attention they deserve. We are always looking for volunteers/helpers, if you have a few spare minutes or lots of extra time on your hands please let us know...we can keep you busy and would love to have you help us.

January 2019

We hope you enjoyed your families over Christmas Break and shared some jammie & cocoa time. We have had a spectacular 2018 here at preschool, and are excited for our adventures with the children in 2019.

School is back in session and we are looking forward to hearing about all of the exciting things that happened over Christmas Break. Make sure you keep an eye on your classroom calendars so you don’t miss our on the exciting happenings of preschool.

We will have the Reptile Man join us this month for a combined adventure with all of our classes attending together on January 17th. Because we will have 60 children here, we will not be able to have families or siblings join us. All students will need to be at school at 9:30am and pick up will be 11:15am. This is a fun way for the children to learn about reptiles in a hands on way and we know they will be excited to tell you all about it.

October 2018

September has flown by and the children are learning so fast. We have our class routine down and they are picking up on how to talk to each other and share their emotions with their friends. As we move into October we will take a field trip to Hunter’s Pumpkin Patch. This will be a family field trip.

Also, in October, we will continue to work on colors with our Tuesday/Thursday class and we will continue with the letters D, E, & F in our Monday/Wednesday/Friday Classes.

We are excited to see our Tuesday/Thursday Class grow now that they have gotten so good at our routines.

**If you know a family that has a child that is 3 years old, please share our Preschool information with them. If you refer a family that enrolls, you will get 1/2 off one month’s tuition and they will get 1/2 off their first month’s tuition.

Sept 2018

We are so excited to get started! Our staff: Kathy, Hilary, Jessica, Janey, Kelley and Terri have our room clean and ready to start a new preschool year. Classes start of September 5th & 6th.

September is going to be full of exciting new adventures and getting to know each other. We will tour the church, learn our classroom rules, meet new friends and try lots of new and exciting things.

Please stop by and say “Hi” to the Teachers they are anxious to get to know all our families.

If you have friends that have children between the ages of 3-5, please let them know about our wonderful program. We have opened 3 spots in our program, (1 in our Monday/Wednesday/Friday Afternoon class and 2 in our Tuesday/Thursday morning class) and would love to show them our program. We have a “reward” for enrolled families who refer new children to our program, talk to Ms. Kathy for details.

Don’t forget to “LIKE US” on Facebook to follow our adventures.


July /August 2018

School is out for the summer! We will start back to school on September 5th and are very excited to welcome our new families and give lots of love to our returning ones. We do have a couple of events before we are in full swing that we’d love for you to join us at...

August 15th come meet our Teachers on the playground from 10:00-12:00 for some fun and popsicles.

August 22nd is Family Orientation Night. Join us at 4:00 p.m. for an overview of our year, learn about some exciting events that we will be doing, meet some new friends and enjoy some yummy treats together.

Our Pre-K Class will begin on Wednesday, September 5th & our younger class will begin on Thursday, September 6th.

We still have a couple of spots available in our Afternoon Pre-K class and a couple available in our Tuesday/Thursday little kid class. If you know of someone with a preschool aged child, please share our program with them. Your recommendation means the world to us!

Enjoy your summer break!

June 2018

Our preschool year has flown by! We have been so blessed to have such wonderful children and families this year! We will miss you all so much!

Please keep an eye on your June calendar. We have a few things that you don’t want to miss. There will be lots of buzzing around and excitement as we squeeze in just as much fun as possible before our last days of class.

Monday/Wednesday/Friday Families your last day will be June 15th and Tuesday/Thursday Families your last day will be June 14th. On both of these days we will meet at Woodland Creek Park right behind the Lacey Community Center on Pacific Avenue. We will be there for regular class time. This is a family event so please bring all siblings and family members that would like to play in the park with us. We will play on the toys, have a little picnic and take a peek around the lake to see what kind of animals might be living there. We hope you will join us!

May 2018

The days and mons are flying by here at Preschool. Kindergarten registration has begun for our older children and our younger class is learning at such a fast pace.

We will be hosting a Parent’s Day Celebration where all of our families are invited to join us and celebrate how wonderful our children and parents are. This will be a very exciting time for our children as they are making fabulous gifts for their parents. We look forward to celebrating our amazing families.

Remember that Preschool Registration began a month ago and we do have a couple of afternoon spots still available as well as a couple of spots in our Tuesday/Thursday Morning class. If you refer a new family that registers, you will receive $40 off your current months tuition. When you recommend us to another family it truly warms our hearts!

Remember, our weather is unpredictable here in Washington and we will be heading outside even if it rains. So please bring a jacket.

April - Happy Spring!

Preschool Registration for the 2018-2019 school year has begun. If you have any family or friends that have a preschool age child please let them know about our wonderful program. We have always found that word of mouth is our best advertisement.

April will be a busy month for Preschool. We will have Spring break, continue learning our alphabet letters, take a field trip to Pizza Hut & Nisqually Wildlife Refuge and begin our parent gifts for our Parent’s Day Tea. 

Our Spring fundraiser has begun…We are once again selling beautiful Flower baskets from Wikes Greenhouse. If you would like a flower basket please fill out an order form and place it with your check in the Preschool Tuition box that is hanging on the wall across from Preschool. Baskets will arrive here at church on May 8th for delivery.

We will also be taking our class pictures in April. You will get a text reminder as we watch the weather to make sure our scheduled days will work.

Preschool is buzzing with exciting Heart Hunts, Mouse Hearts, Shadows and lots of energy. We are moving right along in our alphabet and the children are amazing us every day with their ability to remember and apply what they are learning. Our younger class is working on shapes and applying them to patterns and math applications. While our older classes are working hard to write their names and the sounds each letter makes.

March is a busy month, our older children will be playing games with the Teachers as we test their knowledge and get ready for Parent/Teacher Conferences, it’s a perfect  opportunity for us to tell you how wonderful your child is and how they are progressing.

Preschool Registration for the 2018-2019 school year will take place on March 19th for previous families and then on March 26th for any new families that would like to   enroll in our program. Please keep in mind that our Preschool fills fast and we register on a first come first serve basis, unfortunately we can’t hold spots.  Watch your cubbies for details.