Music Notes from Paul

Music Notes

In a word, the very first thing that comes to my mind (regarding choir—and everyone else attending church, for that matter) is health. I hope and pray that everyone stays healthy—there’s so much going around right now, and it’s been quite a struggle to stay free from it. I’ve had my turns with the colds and the flu and it seems like it’s just going around and around, and we’re not even half way through the cold and flu season. I would ask for many prayers that we can stay well so that we can get to church every week, and that choir can remain strong and healthy, especially through the holy season.

Choir rehearsal begins at 7 pm on Wednesday evenings, Praise Team (for 1st service) begins at 6 and goes to 7, and plans for Bell Choir are in the works. Please contact me if you wish to join us, and as always, please write, call, or chat with me anytime on Sunday mornings. Have a blessed month of February.

Warm regards, Paul